Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meeting the rest of the herd....hmm this could be fun!

Today when Sally and Lightning were in the barn eating their evening feed, we put the two ponies back into the field. We did this because Butterscotch is a pony with a lot of "go". We knew that as she entered the field she would have to run a few laps and buck and roll. She did all of the above. I don't think she stopped for a good 10 minutes. Then she grazed for a bit and started all over again! She had most of this out of her system by the time that Mom, Twister and Dad came out of the barn.

Twister became instantly intrigued. Now to give you a picture...since I of course did not have my camera...the ponies are a little over 40 inches (10 hands) at the withers (base of the neck). If I were to take a guess Twister is about 9 hands at the withers, so the size is about the same. There were a few curious "I'm not looking at you" sideways glances, but then he realized that they were not a threat. He then proceded to drive Butterscotch. What he did not know is that his Mom was behind him at first and was giving Twister the backup he needed to be in charge of the poor pony, but soon he was able to do this on his own.

He was able to drive her several more times and in between she was really showing off as well. (They may actually be made for each other!) Mom was generally OK with this, until he took out at a full sprint at Butterscotch....Mom felt like maybe he was getting a bit big for his britches at that point and cut him off and drove him back towards the barn a few steps.

I think he may have finally found someone with as much play drive as he has! I bet he will sleep well tonight!

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